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Short Stories

In Another Life


In Another Life

A bit of fictional non-fiction…

In my next life, I will live above a pub in a village near the sea, in the North East of England. I will speak...


Hard to (Un)Follow


Hard to (Un)Follow

A Drabble

“Bastard,” Emma mutters, closing Instagram and tossing her phone aside. The arrogant prick can’t help but show off...


Risk vs. Reward


Risk vs. Reward

In which Alexandra Clark goes totally off-book…

Alexandra Clark ran her life in the same regimented way she taught Accounting to her community college students. Even if only in her head...


High Flyerz Lounge Open


High Flyerz Lounge Open

A little pulp fiction, of the lesbian variety…

Under a glowing sign that reads ‘Arrivals’, the automatic doors slide open with a whoosh. A blast of warm air greets Dana, welcome after the blinding snowstorm she drove through to get here...


The Obituaries Of Strangers


The Obituaries Of Strangers

As fat flakes of snow fall at an angle, melting before they even reach the ground, I pop into a coffee shop to escape the dreary wet of what passes for a winter’s day. Wet gloves pulled off, a slush-grey puddle forming at my feet...
